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Triple S

C3 Mobility - Days 2 and 3

The workshops! Here's the review of the second and the third day. 

On the second and the third days, all the students involved in the project had some interesting workshops.  The students were divided the students into two groups, so that one day they participated in a workshop on the reuse of various materials, and the other day in music workshops.

The workshops on the reusing various materials were held by teacher Dušanka.

At the beginning, the students were divided into 3 groups, three smaller workshops:

Workshop number 1: Chrash-it don't trash it

In this workshop the students used cans made of beans, corn and peas, which we got from our school kitchen, and with the help of tissues, rope, wooden objects, leaves, cones... and all sorts of different  materials they decorated their cans. After decorating, the cans were used as drums and percussion instruments in the music workshop.

The works were very creative, and some had interesting messages.

Workshop number 2: Reusable shopping

The second workshop was dedicated to the large amount of clothing that we usually throw away, and which has become a huge environmental problem. In this workshop, the students learned how they could reuse old T-shirts, which they would normally throw away.

Using only scissors and their own hands, the students created eco-friendly shopping bags, which are washable and long lasting. They also expressed their creativity by decorating them with acrylic paints, and some went a step further and made fashion accessories for the head, or jewellery.

           Workshop number 3: Bee's beauty

In the third workshop, the students saw how to produce cosmetics in a simple, cheap and ecological way, which is healthy and environmentally acceptable, does not harm animals. They used natural wax, essential oils of lavender and rosemary, and glycerol to make the lip-balm. They melted the wax, added other ingredients, and then packed everything together in small boxes, which they decorated with the initials of their names.

In the other set of workshops the students were presented with the "Music recycled", led by teacher Nataša and Pazin’s musician and ethnomusicologist Goran Farkaš.

"Do-it-yourself" instruments are a separate category of instruments that encourage creativity while making them and imagination when trying to copy the sound of "real" instruments. How to make a harp from wooden slats? How to assemble a drum set from used cans? How to make a kaza or nonola from plastic pipes and pieces of a plastic bag? How to assemble a maracas from cardboard tubes?

On these very workshops the students learned the answers to these and many other questions related to making instruments from unusual materials. The sounds of saws and drills, planing, scraping and hammering echoed through the classroom. They learned how to use sound as a material, how to listen, how and why to improvise, how to create a common sound, and the final outcome was a short musical performance that used the instruments that had been put together.

And the videolinks:



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objavio: Ivan Štefanić   datum: 18. 10. 2022.


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